My Life has changed drastically, from a shy girl to a confident
girl, I have changed much, positively. Today I see myself and I welcome
challenges. Back then I was someone who couldn’t speak in front of the public
even if I know the answer; today she is someone who grabs every opportunity
possible. Do you know what changed me? LOCKDOWN
You read it right, lockdown has changed me much. Also, with time everyone changes, but just before lockdown, I was not that confident like I am now. Confidence was emerging but very slowly. So, the lockdown started, I was bored at home having nothing to do; this made me creative. From starting Aloyana blogs, painting, storytelling, giving a speech, starting a podcast to taking part in every online competition being held during the lockdown, Confident Aloyana emerged.
So the story starts here. I took part in like 20 online
competitions but I won only won and lost the rest of them. I was gradually
losing hope; I had even started thinking that I am a loser who cannot do
anything in life. But I don’t know what motivated me but, days passed and
gradually I realized that online competitions won by Facebook likes and shares
are not made for me.
“I am a winner already”
is what I realized. Then without wasting any time, I started to develop creativity
in myself. I didn’t take part in any competitions but I engaged most of the
time in blogging. One of my friends had started blogging and I thought why not
give it a try. Without having even the basic concept of blogging, I started
blogging randomly. I started it just because at that time, I was trying new. I
didn’t know even 2% of blogging. With YouTube tutorials, I generated my site
and wrote on the Corona virus. I never
thought blogging and writing would ever be my hobby. Today, I see a bright
future in me, blogging.
Now, talking about self-confidence, I want to become a
speaker for many years but as I said I was a really shy kid. I started blogging
and before writing, I quickly speak all my thoughts that I’ll be writing. We
can say blogging has also helped in my speaking skills. Also, in my blogs, I
have started video podcasts and audio podcasts. Podcasts are a great help to
improve your speaking and the same happened with me. Touchwood, I see myself as
a public speaker in some years.
My writing today have already shown my level of confidence. A few years ago I was someone who didn’t have
any goals and thought was a loser. Today Aloyana is a confident, passionate,
and goal-oriented girl.
लाकडाउन ने किस प्रकार आपके जीवन को प्रभावित कर उसमें आत्मविश्वास के जो बीज बोए अत्यन्त ही लाभदायक समय साबित होगा ये आपके जीवन के लिए, धन्यवाद।