Catalyst for Happiness

What is gratitude?

Many of you should know about gratitude. Well, it is simply being thankful and appreciating people and maybe yourself. Gratitude definitely helps to increase happiness, but studies have shown that gratitude helps to reduce stress, motivates people and makes people feel less lonely. Whenever I become grateful to peopleI sense a positive vibe in me. Being grateful may sound simple, but it is quite a vast concept. So, this blog is about everything you need to know about gratitude.
Being Thankful is not new to us. This is a part our society from the ancient times. But this concept is vanishing in this generation because many people feel that they aren’t worth it. The major cause would be stressful work life, personal life. The major concern of this generation is mental health. According to studies, our generation (generation Z) is considered the loneliest people. The major causes would be social media, harassment and politics. Learning gratitude is something very important to our generation.
This particular topic, I have chosen in the time when we are midst of covid-19. Because of this, I feel is the best time when people should appreciate things. We have been through a lot in the past year. The pandemic has not ended yet, and it hasn’t been late. For those, here is something for what you can be grateful for
Being grateful to loved ones
This includes your family who was supportive every time during the pandemic. They took care of you. You with your family played games together, made meal together, exercised together, and had deep conversations on things, life career. So, be thankful to them and appreciate their efforts before it is too late.
Your friends, of course. You guys connected virtually, had deep conversations, made online friends, played games together. Alsoyou got re connected with your friend after years. Maybe your friend had made you calm down and low down your stress. These little things are something you certainly need to be grateful for.
Being grateful to your life
Okay, this is very important. Your life is definitely a gift, respect it. Respect what you have rather than crying for what you don’t. You are grateful, you got to go school, your parents are understanding, you get to have 3 times the meal in a day. You are living your life at its best, so be grateful. There are people who are under poverty, that lost their loved ones, who died out of accident, but you survived, that’s important.
Being grateful to you
You are responsible for your life. Appreciate little things that you have done out of couragestrength, confident. You’ve come so far, from a little child to a matured person. You have grown a lot. There were times when you felt of giving up on life, when you thought you weren't worthy. Out of these heartbreaks, disappointment, anger, stress, YOU’VE EMERGED. So, thank yourself for being such a brave and wonderful person.
Not only these things but you can be grateful for life lessons, mentors, happiness, nature.
How to be grateful?
By simply appreciating
thank you note
A mindfulness journal
Remembering past experiences
A Note from Aloyanablogs
Covid-19 has made things harder for us. The situation is getting terrible day by day. Life hasn’t been normal. But this time panicking will make things worse. Instead, you should search for a silver lining of the situation.
This is the time when you can show your creativity. Be sure about taking time out to remember things you need to be grateful. Only remembering won’t do, you need to actually be grateful. These times are hard, but they’ll pass.
You are strong. Stay safe and regard from Aloyanablogs.


Hey! I'm Aloyana. welcome to Aloyana's blogs.


  1. Great..! ☺️
    “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”
    And I appreciate your thoughts on Gratitude. Yes, we should feel blessed that what we have rather thinking about what we don't.! And should be grateful. 😁☺️.!

    1. Yes Gratitude is definately not a new thing for us. Yep, we should be happy for things we have , rather than crying for what we don't. Agreed on your views too :)

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